The Wall Street Journal (30/6/08) : Malaysia's police opened an investigation into allegations that main opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim sodomized a male aide, further clouding the nation's political outlook as Mr. Anwar vies to become the country's next prime minister and unseat the political establishment that has ruled since 1957.
The allegation of sodomy -- a criminal act in Malaysia -- is nearly identical to a charge made against Mr. Anwar a decade ago that left him in Malaysia's political wilderness for years before the party he helps lead gained significant ground in elections in March. Investigations of and prosecutions for alleged sodomy are rare in Malaysia.
Saying his life was under threat, the 60-year-old Mr. Anwar took refuge at the Turkish Embassy in Kuala Lumpur early Sunday morning. In a statement, he called the sodomy allegation made in a police complaint by the 23-year-old aide "a complete fabrication." Mr. Anwar said the accusation was trumped up "to undermine the forces of reform and renewal which were unleashed in the March 2008 election."
Mr. Anwar's People's Justice Party, or Parti Keadilan Rakyat, won 82 seats along with a group of allies in the 222-seat lower house of Parliament in the March 8 vote. The alliance needs 30 more seats to replace the National Front coalition, and the charismatic Mr. Anwar has been trying to attract defectors from the ruling coalition in hopes of forcing a change in government. It would be unprecedented in Malaysian history for the opposition to take power through the parliamentary process.
星洲日報 (1/7/08) : 公正黨顧問拿督斯里安華透露將在本週內製造補選,同時將有4名國陣國會議員加入民聯.
星洲日報 (1/7/08) : 公正黨顧問拿督斯里安華指出,根據目前的證據看,共有3人涉嫌策劃這次對他的雞姦指控。這3人是高官夫婦及其一名助理。安華說,今時不同往日,而這回他將抗爭到底,駁斥所有對他惡意的指控。
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