Friday, August 8, 2008



虽然吴导说每个人心中的赤壁都不一样; 编剧之一陈汗也公然要求大家接受吴导"略为虚构的赤壁,因罗贯中本人说不定才是最高超的虚构者(Wow)。。。但这他妈赤壁无论是怎么看都是令人失望的。


虽说吴导绝对有权利解读自己的赤壁,也不曾奢望他会十分忠于《三国演义》或《三国志》,但要拿8千万USD来颠覆历史,其所谓的历史也不应相差太远才是,引 起争议纷纷,惟恐天下不乱?一开头的赵云只身救阿斗,发生在长阪坡附近,离赤壁时候差之千厘,孔明当时也还闷在茅庐,我等了良久没见张飞于长阪坡当阳桥上瞪目横丈八蛇矛 曰:身是张益德也,可来共决死!,心中好生失望。半天过后才搞懂吴导的赵云救阿斗在新野撤退时发生。新野撤退不但没表现蜀军应有的惨烈战况,却有应在 汉水接应刘备的关羽赶来玩三国无双,以一敌百,还有张飞的超级无聊回光返照盾阵,太强了!

他妈赤壁众将领都化成无敌单干妖神,关羽下马丢偃月刀单干,张飞下马撞飞马单干,主将周瑜中箭后下马拔羽箭学Troy跃插对方马上大将脖子单干,不知 道吴导是要去迎合品位日渐商业低俗的观众,还是这就是他要的史诗大片,把赤壁当英雄本色和喋血英雄来拍。我希望是前者。还有其中一个吴军单干神甘兴,他后 代一定十分他妈不满, 因甘兴应为甘宁(?—222),字兴霸,破黄祖据楚关,攻曹仁取夷陵 ,镇益阳拒关羽,守西陵获朱光,击合肥退张辽,百骑袭曹营乃大将甘宁也。在想如果都把赤壁中的人物都改名换姓,再把赤壁这名字改一改,另成一出戏,大众的影评也 不至于那么惨烈。

再来就是大家称为有创意的八卦阵陆战,真是他妈的搞笑。引述高手的话 赤壁里联军的胜利完全建立在恃其不来恃其不攻的愚蠢的曹军将领上(当然赤壁里是恃其来恃其攻’)。曹军不追,联军奈其何。前有灰尘飞扬,正是该恐有伏兵,曹军倒是见灰尘飞扬就上,然后尘尽八卦阵现。曹军被箭雨伤后硬往阵里钻自己送死,快被 杀光才摆了个Four Feathers和罗马步兵的鱼鳞盾阵,才高兴一下却被几条狼牙棒摧毁。赤壁对决,曹操派陆军绕周瑜身后求败,吴导着墨了良久,我却恨不得快点结束。但观众 都好像还蛮享受这大型活动开幕式似的团体操表演。

赤壁众演员演技如何,是否神似没得空谈,先谈很多耐人寻味的逻辑。曹操胁天子以令诸侯是为了防止三国鼎立?此言差矣,三国鼎立于赤壁后,曹操胁天子以令诸侯是要统一天下。孔明与周瑜天天见面,惺 惺相惜Gay到化敌成友?孔明舌战群儒游说东吴根本没和周瑜见过面。孙权打老虎? 孙尚香点穴神功后再匹女有责?刘备这么快向孙权借荆州?刘备织草鞋到习惯?萌萌的马,鸽子感冒,挡道的龟?欲望使人年轻?读书会有饭吃?冷静不冷静 论???

。赤壁乃三国演义重头戏,精华在于其政治策略,军事行动和斗智的谋略天才。罗贯中用七大回重墨于赤壁的前因后果,真正描写战场厮杀的只有一回。联军 以三,四万人硬碰曹操八十三万马步水军,如何以寡敌众,其中的智谋吴导看来都不想着墨。赤壁上集把游说东吴,妖神诸将单干战阵场面等拍成这样,我想下集的 蒋干群英会反间蔡瑁张允,孔明草船借箭,蒋干二次过江让庞统献连环计,黄盖苦肉计,孔明的万事俱备等将不过尔尔。



Wednesday, July 16, 2008



Friday, July 4, 2008

Picture speaks a thousand words


Fact 1 - KLSE this week's support level of 1157 has been breached 2 days ago and now downside touching the next support level of 1090 is imminent. In fact, 1090 is just 35pts away from 1125 now since KLSE in the morning plunged almost 30 pts. With Najib now linking with Altantuya and all the shit news, there will still be crazy downside next week. But fear not! KLSE worst case was around 99 with 250+pts, with the improved economy now compared to 99, the bottom will be around 500pts? Lol.

Fact 2 -What is going on with the crazy oil price? Touching USD150 per barrel is imminent. However, whether it is done by speculators or actual physical hedgers, whether will it soon touch down cheaper or continue to soar, so be it! How about we concentrate on more solid concern---IRON ORE/STEEL HIKE!!! 

With all eyes on oil, nobody seems to care less about iron ore/steel. WIth Rio Tinto, the world's second largest iron ore producer, just concluded price negotiations with its Asian customers (96.50% increase for its ore) for the steelmaking commodity and world's third giant BHP Billiton to settle its contracts within these few days, this is the sixth consecutive annual increase in iron ore prices. Rio Tinto's settlement is higher than that achieved by Brazilian giant Vale, which agreed with steelmakers to price rises between 65% and 70% for its ore in 2008. Unlike oil, iron ore is not traded on the global exchange, hence speculations issue is basically out of the topic. Well, let us say goodbye to evercheap cars and houses and constructions and co. 

Fact 3 - Have we done with oil? Not yet. We all might think that living in Venezuela is as good as living in heaven as the oil there is as cheap as water. But now the poeple there are suffering big time with inflation rate as high as 31.4%. What is 31.4% supposed to mean? To illustrate a rough idea, with all the mess going on, Malaysia is still managed to cope with inflation rate of around 5%. 

Fact 4 - How is KLSE been doing? Erm...certainly not as bad as Vietnam or Shanghai who has just plunged from heaven to hell, with almost 50% of their equities gone with the wind. 

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Berita Breaking Bolehland (1/7/08) - All time Bolehland Best Film?

Among all the continuous political bombs lately, Anwar's 2nd sodomy allegation certainly will be the easiest to claim one of the top spots for Best Film in Bolehland all time box-office chart.

The Wall Street Journal (30/6/08) : Malaysia's police opened an investigation into allegations that main opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim sodomized a male aide, further clouding the nation's political outlook as Mr. Anwar vies to become the country's next prime minister and unseat the political establishment that has ruled since 1957.

The allegation of sodomy -- a criminal act in Malaysia -- is nearly identical to a charge made against Mr. Anwar a decade ago that left him in Malaysia's political wilderness for years before the party he helps lead gained significant ground in elections in March. Investigations of and prosecutions for alleged sodomy are rare in Malaysia.

Saying his life was under threat, the 60-year-old Mr. Anwar took refuge at the Turkish Embassy in Kuala Lumpur early Sunday morning. In a statement, he called the sodomy allegation made in a police complaint by the 23-year-old aide "a complete fabrication." Mr. Anwar said the accusation was trumped up "to undermine the forces of reform and renewal which were unleashed in the March 2008 election."

Mr. Anwar's People's Justice Party, or Parti Keadilan Rakyat, won 82 seats along with a group of allies in the 222-seat lower house of Parliament in the March 8 vote. The alliance needs 30 more seats to replace the National Front coalition, and the charismatic Mr. Anwar has been trying to attract defectors from the ruling coalition in hopes of forcing a change in government. It would be unprecedented in Malaysian history for the opposition to take power through the parliamentary process.

星洲日報 (1/7/08) : 公正黨顧問拿督斯里安華透露將在本週內製造補選,同時將有4名國陣國會議員加入民聯.

星洲日報 (1/7/08) : 公正黨顧問拿督斯里安華指出,根據目前的證據看,共有3人涉嫌策劃這次對他的雞姦指控。這3人是高官夫婦及其一名助理。安華說,今時不同往日,而這回他將抗爭到底,駁斥所有對他惡意的指控。

Friday, June 27, 2008

Must Watch Tonight --- Germany Vs Spain

Wow,Euro08决赛---坦克Germany Vs伪强队Spain!



1. 你相信球风循环和夺冠宿命论吗?

Spain啊Spain,我会相信一个球风循环:控球队克速度队,速度队克龟守队,龟守队克控球队。当然控球,速度,龟守只是片面直观的简洁形容,相信各位该明白我的大概意思。在正常情况下,Euro08这循环预言了Spain克Russia,Holland克Italy,Germany克Portugal/Spain等等。Germany克Portugal/SPAIN?!Argh!!(希望你能明白在比较Germany & Spain时我会归Germany为龟守Spain为控球的原因)无语了。宿命是偏向Germany了,但Spain不要阳萎!请记得Germany并非无懈可击,除Croatia前几场因阵形还未定型不能作准外,其他阵形成熟了的比赛也并不能让人100%信服。Spain这几天你都踢得很好,已非常接近我心中最艺术最漂亮的完美足球了,只是有时你还是会流露出年少轻狂,有点毛躁。Pls Spain,Vs Germany可万万不能毛躁!周旋直到加时赛也没关系,就是不能急躁!若能耐心地像Turkey踢出血性更好! 但看来你还是会以不变应万变。Lol。另外,杯赛宿命论也强调运气守恒,Spain一路顺风,最多也只是Vs Italy有惊无险,反观一路跌跌撞撞的Germany更有冠军相。总结:命运女神倾向Germany。

2. Spain啊Spain,Germany在撤下了Gomez后宣告铁骑阵形成型。Ballack居中前,Podolski Schweinsteiger左右护法Klose,4人身后有Frings & Rolfes。这二铁腰与Friedrich&Lahm联合保护Metzelder&Mertesacker。这阵容即稳重又硬朗,没有明显弱点,身体对抗强,基本功扎实,加上其战术素养极高和心理素质极强韧,Spain这次将面对终极挑战。若要像Turkey般地疯狂欺负Germany肯定不可能因风格差太远。我想到唯一其技术上明显弱点即打Metzelder&Mertesacker的身后球,此对组合防空一流,但默契还好,速度和转身是致命伤,一路走来大家都想欺负他们的身后,但都被其整体的后腰和后线给化险为夷。

Spain你慢慢控球伺机吧。请记得若你能把场上的节奏控制权掌控在手里,再伺机变奏,你就是无敌了。唉,希望Villa神能及时复原吧,Lol。不然Fabregas打前腰也貌似不错,解决了Fabregas和Xavi不能共存的问题。严重被高估的Torres还是会力压Guiza首发,由身后一大堆大脑辅助。基本上Germany对你它于场上会处于被动状态,除非它灵光闪现,不然你把节奏掌握,注意防守,不硬与它碰身体,它其实没机会欺负你。当然前提是防守要专心!整条后线请全部嗑药!这次的高空防守可是你的死穴,尤其是Puyol更是一颗定时炸弹。请嗑药!!另外也要号召全队拉去嗑强身药! 保佑Silva这种身形在Germany肉阵中穿梭不死!最后,对于Schweinsteiger开定位球,再来一大堆190肉男冲入禁区争顶屠杀的绝招,Aragones请想对策。



Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Must Watch This Thurs - Russia Vs Spain

结果是伪强队Spain半决赛 Vs 他妈浪费机会大王Russia。



1. Spain 阿Spain,战他妈Russia与战瘦死骆驼Italy是完全两回事,但看来你还是会已不变应万变。好!总之忠于自己的节奏与战术素养,尤其是节奏,自己要慢就慢,要快就快。请记得你是大局节奏掌握与控制变奏能力最强之一的大师级伪强队,可千万别被他妈Russia骗去与它周旋。他妈练成了巨肺Arsenal狂风扫落叶妖术,以你年少轻狂的傲骨,我怕你会不自觉地陪它一起疯,一起玩对攻。但也有可能会落得像Holland的惨况,踢得四不像般绑手绑脚,快不能慢也不能,空间完全被冻结,有力却借不到力,只能干瞪眼憋闷气。总结:拿下节奏控制权,不能的话也不要被Russia牵着鼻子走。

2. Spain 阿Spain,综观Russia的拳术,他肯点会死插你的两肋的,尤其是你的右肋。Russia倾向左重右轻,巨肺Zhirkov攻守意识爆强,加上Arshavin神和Pavluchenko等钟爱往左路游击再伺机配合内切或吊球中路,Ramos跪求你专心。边路是Russia进攻的开始,然后结束于中路或边路。Russia一众大肺倚自己肺大全场狂奔,Holland那天已领教了Zurianov,Semak,Semshov,Bilyaletdinov,Torbinsky等的狂奔功力与Kolodin的大力轰门功力,希望Spain你能引以为鉴。定时炸弹大队的Senna,Puyol,Marchena,Ramos,Capdevilla & Co,请赶紧嗑药,守得更贴身,更专注,不要在自己禁区站着观球,不要贪玩攻了上去跑不会来,不要给Saint Casillas太忙,人家Arshavin神或Kolodin射门时冲上去堵枪眼。。。这样就行了。总结:Spain你球风软,逆风球阳萎,攻强守弱严重,这是你的特色。前两个暂时无解,但对他妈Russia,守需嗑药加强。

3. Spain阿Spain,相信你自己也清楚小组赛4-1胜Russia其实偶然性成分蛮高的。Russia那场输了后连胜四场,包括完胜Holland的阵形基本上已成型成熟。这次Hiddink二次对Spain该不会再乱变阵摆轻骑中卫了吧,Ignashevich和Kolodin一稳一快组合,老后腰Semak,中场Semshov,Zyrianov,Saenko组合看来都是铁打不动了。其中刚从Zenit王升级成Russia王的Arshavin,Aragones请嗑药想想对策。此王倚爆强的创造力与巨肺和视野,把Euro08完全当成自己的游乐园。但Russia终究是Russia,少了顶级得分人物,再恐怖也还是个人队,不至于成神队,浪费机会大王并非浪得虚名。所以Spain请加油,我相信Pavluchenko & Co需要至少射10粒才会有1粒进球,请Villa神& Co嗑药加倍把握机会。总结:Russia阵容已敲定,尽量关照Arshavin,Villa神& Co嗑药把握机会。

Spain Vs Russia,表面上对球迷们是Euro08最火光四射的对决之一,但我想偶尔感性一下:一厢情愿相信伪强队能踢出自我,姜还是老的辣。


Must Watch Tonight - Germany Vs Turkey

对我来说,Turkey是唯一真正让我Euro 08拼命遍地找眼镜碎片的亮点。
之前以为Euro08的Turkey只能来陪太子读书,因它已非02WorldCup那支拥有Hakan Sukur,Tugay,Hasan Sas,Rustu, Basturk,帅哥Ilhan等一众血性十足,疯狂强悍的突厥了。谁知在Fatih Terim 的闭门铁腕造车下,造出来的竟是一支完全有潜力比02WorldCup有过之无不及的年轻血性突厥。Tuncay,Arda,Nihat 和Altintop在Fatih手下能力被200%解放,再配合一班Galatasaray,Fenerbahce等实而不华的血性突厥,套在简单实用的战术中,造就了Euro08最恐怖逆转不死王。

然而综观Turkey的逆转,我相信半决赛Vs Germany,Turkey气数应是该尽了吧。如你一样也有幸观赏那场Vs 浪费机会二王Croatia的经典逆转的话,你会赞成我说其偶然性成分未免太他妈夸张了吧。Germany在Low手下返璞归真,全面回归其硬朗本色,除了战术素养极高,基本功扎实,其心理素质更是一流地强韧,最爱就是克Turkey这种神经刀(例02WorldCup 他妈S.Korea)。小组赛被浪费机会二王Croatia棒喝了一下后,复赛Vs Portugal正式宣布铁人回归。当中其Schweinsteiger开定位球,再加上整堆190肌肉男全部冲入禁区屠杀的绝招,我想突厥再血性也只能化成一滩血水。

以突厥一战能折损2-3员大将的伤亡率,能撑到现在已是奇迹。本来的伤者全是大将,Servet,队长Emre,Gungor, Tumer,在Vs浪费机会二王后,Nihat伤,Tuncay,Arda和Asik禁赛,正牌门将Volkan继续禁赛,死伤真是凄惨。谁都知道Tuncay,Arda与Nihat的创意无间配合是突厥唯一唯一的正宗进球来源,如今都以全数不在,难道还要继续靠Altintop,Rustu和逆转奇兵Semih走偏们???

学Turkey走偏门地分析,本场WilliamHill,bet365,澳门博彩等均开出Germany1.4 3.8 7.8左右Turkey,标准的一球胜负盘,且Turkey赔率高。以盘路和赔率在这一分钟看来,如届时没过热现象,Germany极可能一球小胜。


Friday, June 20, 2008

Must Watch This Sun --- Italy Vs Spain

Spain这白痴队总给人无限的幻想,他妈根本只是个伪强队。想象CRonaldo或Ibrahimovic是一支球队吧,顺风球时看起来好帅好勇猛,但关键时刻或逆风球时铁定阳萎。像我这种恨铁不成钢的白痴球迷总想它有朝一日若踢清醒了会是球踢得最赏心悦目最艺术的恐怖传统强旅之一。但这白痴队最好的成就还是停留在1950World Cup殿军和1964Euro Cup冠军,其他的小成就根本不提也罢。他妈它比Holland更让我光火,至少Holland我会安慰自己说它是天生的倒霉蛋。Spain 啊Spain,既然你有成就时我还没能出生目睹,那就盼望你在我种番薯前能给我爽一下吧。

Spain别再阳萎了!现在Euro 08 复赛Vs 半清醒Italy正是你冲入四强半决赛的最佳时刻!!

Spain这么多年来阳萎的原因,我看来有2原因---1. Fundamentally 与Spain本身的历史渊源有关。Spain行政以50个省(Province)分区,但种种原因造就Spain的省区主义非常强,以致Catalonia省的球员,Madrid省的球员或Valencia省的球员总看似不能好好团结起来一起踢球。在球员看来,为以省为中心发展的球会争光会比为国家争光来得更光。

2. Technically Spain骨子里会不自觉踢得要求太完美,球风比豆浆还软,不会踢逆风球和攻强守弱严重。Spain踢球讲究艺术不太功利,会想以最美的方式进球本来是没错的,但配合后面3项缺点,只能阳萎(但Euro 08的Spain有一点亮点---Spain正慢慢学习功利打反击!Yeah,加油!)。球风软和不会踢逆风球的问题是没办法的,除非神级的教练或天才领袖球员横空出世,不然只能说是Spain的特色。唯一能救的就是给防守一环统统喂伟哥了。希望Senna,Puyol,Marchena,Ramos, Capdevilla & Co再硬再专心守得再贴身一些,不要梦游,不要给Saint Casillas太忙,不要乱攻后跑不回来&不要在自己禁区站着观球。至于前线近来看似不错,不要梦游有决心一点就行了。

Lol其实Vs Italy本来不需这样啰嗦的因为Spain铁定阳萎的,但近来Donadoni的Italy有些茫然,看似下一场还会继续Lost。Donadoni一会儿想学Lippi的单前锋AC圣诞开衩树,一会儿又要拼出像Roma的单前锋群狼快攻法,但学得前者节奏太快,后者节奏太慢,不三不四。Vs Italy Pirlo Gatusso不巧禁赛,基本上排除掉Lippi的AC圣诞开衩树,Donadoni也应不会冒险再试阵,所以应该是慢版单前锋群狼快攻法,即中路Ambrosini主守,De Rossi又守又攻,Aquilani创意主攻,再加上Cassano Perrotta左右护法Toni神塔。但要在最快时间内磨合阵和球员,我质疑Donadoni的能力。


这星期天,Italy Vs Spain,除了看帅哥,看两个当代门神,也应是时候看伪强队能不能趁骆驼瘦死迷茫时不阳萎了吧。

Berita Breaking Bolehland --- 20/6/08

Another easy money in bag today. Look, I can't carry on earning without working because it seems so unfair for the struggling Bolehland poeple out there. Hence I decided to sketch down everything on Word first before pasting them onto the blog here so that my bosses probably would not have to see me surfing the web (I m not supposed to). It's fun though for playing hide and seek like that.

Just figured that there might be friends out there on Farfarawayland that might not be able to feel the landshake on our Bolehland. Well, two political bombs landed here yesterday eve and rocked the land pretty well. First bomb was The Sanglang state seat in Perlis, which was won by Umno, has been declared vacant by the Election Court in Kangar, paving way for a possible by-election. Second bomb saw the enbattled BN government being shocked so high by small peanut Sabah Progressive Party (Sapp, led by Dato杨德利) as they wanna call for No-Confidence motion against our Pak Lah during next Monday on Parliament. Wow, u have to admire such brave call by a peanut party like tat to mark history for the first ever No-Confidence motion in Bolehland~~~!

Its interesting to wonder how people can squeeze all kinds of information from godknowswhere lobang. Below are some information dugged out by a Malaysia-Today reader named ez24get which have received overwhelming responses lately. Just wondering maybe u would like to feel the heat too. He also stressed that the ones uncovered so far were merely tip of the ice-berg. What lies beneath could be much larger---

1. The Bank Bumiputra twin scandals in the early 1980s saw US$1 billion (RM3.2 billion in 2008 ringgit) wasted;
2. The Maminco attempt to corner the world tin market in the 1980s is believed to have cost some US$500 million (RM1.6 billion);
3. Betting in foreign exchange futures cost Bank Negara Malaysia RM30 billion in the 1990s;
4. Perwaja Steel resulted in losses of US$800 million (RM2.56 billion). (Eric Chia was charged with corruption for allegedly steering US$20 million (RM64 million) to a Hong Kong-based company.);
5. Use of RM10 billion public funds in the Valuecap Sdn. Bhd. operation to shore up the stock market;
6. Banking scandal of RM700 million losses in Bank Islam;
7. The sale of M.V. Agusta by Proton for one Euro making a loss of €75.99 million (RM 348 million);
8. Wang Ehsan from oil royalty in Terengganu amounting to RM7.4 billion from 2004 – 2007;
9. For the past 10 years since the Philharmonic Orchestra was established, this orchestra has swallowed a total of RM500 million;
10. In Advisors Fees, Mahathir was paid RM180,000; Shahrizat Abdul Jalil (Women and Social Development Affairs) RM404,726; and Abdul Hamid Othman (Religious Affairs) RM549,675 per annum;
11. The government has spent a total of RM3.2 billion in teaching Maths and Science in English over the past five years. Out of the amount, the government paid a whopping RM2.21 billion for the purchase of information and computer technology (ICT) equipment of which the breakdown of costs is unknown;
12. The commission paid for the purchase of jets and submarines to two private companies, Perimeker Sdn Bhd and IMT Defence Sdn Bhd amounted to RM910 million;
13. RM300 million to compensate Gerbang Perdana for the RM1.1 billion “Crooked Scenic Half-Bridge”;
14. RM1.3 billion has been wasted building the white elephant Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) facilities on cancellation of the Malaysia-Singapore scenic bridge;
15. RM100 million spent on the Parliament building for renovations and to patch up leaks;
16. National Astronaut Programme - RM 40 million;
17. National Service Training Programme - yearly an estimate of RM 500 million;
18. Eye on Malaysia - RM30 million and another RM5.7 million of free tickets;
19. RM4.63 billion ’soft-loan’ to PKFZ;
20. RM2.4 million on indelible ink;
21. Samy announced in September 2006 that the government paid compensation amounting to RM38.5 billion to 20 highway companies. A RM380 million windfall for 9 toll concessionaires earned solely from the toll hikes in 2008 alone;
22. RM32 million timber export kickbacks involving companies connected to the Sarawak Chief Minister and his family;
Bailouts –23. Two bailouts of Malaysia Airline System at RM7.9 billion. At a time when MAS incurred losses every year, RM1.55 million was used to buy three paintings to decorate its chairman's (Munir) office;
24. Putra transport system bailout which cost RM4.486 billion;
25. STAR – LRT bailout costing RM3.256 billion;
26. National Sewerage System bailout costing RM192.54 million;
27. Seremban – Port Dickson Highway bailout costing RM142 million;
28. Kuching Prison bailout costing RM135 million;
29. Kajian Makanan dan Gunaan Orang Islam bailout costing RM8.3 million;
30. Le Tour de Langkawi bailout costing RM3.5 Million ;
31. Wholesale distribution of tens of millions of shares in Bursa Malaysia under the guise of NEP to cronies, children and relatives of BN leaders and Ministers worth billions of ringgits;
32. APs scandal that has been going on year-after-year going back for more than three decades, involving a mind-boggling sum of tens of billions of ringgit;
33. Alienation of tens of thousands of hectares of commercial land and forestry concessions to children and relatives of BN leaders and Ministers worth tens of billions of ringgit;
34. Travel around Malaysia and see for yourself how many white elephants like majestic arches, roads paved with fanciful bricks, designer lamp posts, clock towers, Municipal Council buildings that look more like Istanas, extravagant places of worship, refurbishment of residences of VIPs, abandoned or under-utilized government sports complexes and buildings, etc! Combined they could easily amount to hundreds of billions of ringgit!
35. Since 1997, Petronas has handed out a staggering RM30 billion in natural gas subsidies to IPPs who were making huge profits. In addition, there was much wastage and forward trading of Petronas oil in the 1990s based on the low price of oil then. Since the accounts of Petronas are for the eyes of the Prime Minister only, we have absolutely no idea what the amount is.

Whatever amount it is, you can bet it is COLLOSSAL! In the Time Asia magazine issue on March 15 2004, a South East Asian economist at Morgan Stanley in Singapore, Daniel Lian, figures “that the country may have lost as much as U$$100 billion (RM320 billion) since the early 1980s to corruption.” Mind you, this is only corruption and it does not include wastages and mismanagement which would increase the amount!
If the above list (which could have been money saved) is added to the nation’s coffers and together with Petronas’ profits; palm oil profits; and profits from rubber, tin, agriculture produce, aquaculture produce, electronic and hardware exports etc, for the past 5 decades, we can all agree on one thing – our country would be wealthier than Venezuela who has little resources except for oil. The petrol in Venezuela is RM0.16 per litre!

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Must Watch This Sat --- Holland Vs Russia

这两天bursa market我只想赠它两对成语---血流成河,哀鸿遍野。嫌钱太多者可浅尝血水,切莫深陷,否则后果自负。

因血水太多,害我这几天辛苦工作只能研究别的。忙里偷闲说说Euro 08 Russia吧。

小组赛1-4无辜负Spain,1-0险胜Greece,2-0轻取Sweden,3仗2胜1负居Spain后做正小组第二名出线,复赛硬碰Holland。Russia这中游队伍干吗在Euro 08惹起不少人的议论纷纷,莫过于1. 2-1把骄傲&不知所谓的England送回家;2.神奇教练Hiddink在此。

  • 87-90初成帅掌PSV, PSV88三冠王,PSV史上1st欧冠杯。

  • 98World Cup掌梦幻Holland II,Holland四强(2-1经典胜Argentina, 四强点球负Brazil)。

  • 02World Cup掌S.Korea, S.Korea四强(“经典”胜Italy, Spain, 终被Ballack一记header head得大家大快人心)。

  • 03-05掌回PSV,PSV04/05欧冠杯半决赛(把AC当超级弱队踢,但莫名其妙被骗回家)。

  • 06World Cup掌Austrialia, Austrialia八强(32年来首次进World Cup, 八强无辜被Italy伟大的左后卫骗回家)。

  • 08 Euro掌Russia,Russia复赛vs Holland。。

综观Hiddink的队伍们,有强有弱(除了Holland),但其中特色都十足明显。在他的神奇铁腕下,球员没有一个敢怠慢,全都会拿性命来踢球。除了拿性命踢球,他们更用脑把自己该做的全都300%练足,把Hiddink的战术执行得500%无误。有执行成功的战术,再加上用命来踢球,造就了Hiddink化腐朽为神奇的妖术。04/05PSV主场vs AC是我活至今看过AC被欺负得最惨的一次,连AC对Liverpool老实说都没那么惨(真的)。他妈02 疯狂变态S.Korea鱼腩队把Italy,Spain硬轰出门,06 鱼肉队Austrialia把力量反击足球诠释得有声有色,梦幻Holland II队不用说更是让人惊艳,全都是他神奇一生的缩影。

现在Euro 08搞上了Russia, 他神奇之旅还没结束。Russia刚过的三仗都内有乾坤。1st对Spain,没有禁赛的Arshavin,又怕Spain变态前线,Hiddink大胆撤下正选大只后卫Ignashevich和Berezutsky孪生兄弟,扶正更快的Kolodin & Aniukov,把助攻超强Zhirkov拖后打左后卫,打轻快442希望能够抗衡Spain。结果虽然赌输了,但这其中的针对性与大胆举动看到了Hiddink的变态。过后对Greece,搞烂Bayern的Zenit王Arshavin还没出来,Hiddink召回经验丰富的Ignashevich和Kolodin, Aniukov打三后卫,361攻了整天终于1球险胜。最后关键一仗vsSweden,快版VanderVart-->Arshavin终于王者归来,352轻松攻爆Sweden。

本来球员综合作战能力不强的Russia, Hiddink把它每一个人都榨得干净,物尽其用,再配合他变态的多变战术,这星期6对阵Holland,如果输了,也只是输在球员素质的差别。


Posting RPK's article

Just in case u don't know yet, Malaysia is having problem big time now with almost everything in complete mess. Instead of getting paid for doing nothing in my office now, I decided to get paid by contributing something productively.

Here's an article by RPK I find it interesting and perhaps, the one I like the most from RPK. Just in case u don't know who on earth is RPK, he is a member of Selangor royal family, an editor running the Malaysia Today website and was also a leading member of PKR, Parti Keadilan Rakyat (Yes, with Anwar in it) who kena charged countless time by Malaysia government. Known for his witty and outspoken character, I admire his way of composing things together in such simple and critical way.

Risking my life here for posting his article. Hope u enjoy it as much as I do.

You eliminate the plague by killing the rats
Saturday, 14 June 2008
"No, don’t end subsidies. End wastages, high administrative costs and corruption. Then we will be able to afford subsidies, just like the other countries that also have subsidies can. And this is what we want Tengku Razaleigh and Anwar to talk about."

Raja Petra Kamarudin

The country will go bankrupt if the government continues giving out subsidies, says Tengku Razaleigh Hamzah. I suppose this is a statement of support for the recent increase in the price of petrol and a vote of no confidence on Anwar Ibrahim’s pledge that Pakatan Rakyat will reduce the price of petrol if or when it comes to power.

I do not quite agree with Tengku Razaleigh’s statement or with what Anwar Ibrahim has pledged. First of all, for Anwar to say that the petrol price should not have been increased is easy. We don’t want to know about what should not have been. We want to know what should be.

Can Anwar please table his economic blueprint so that we can see what he has up his sleeve? Malaysians no longer want to buy this ‘vote me in first and then I will show you how I can do it’ -- or what the Americans would label as ‘read my lips’ rhetoric.

Read my lips: there will be no petrol price increase after the 8 March 2008 general election. Read my lips: I am not going to call for a general election soon and Parliament is not going to be dissolved tomorrow. Read my lips: I did not use the rakyat’s money to buy a RM200 million Airbus. Read my lips: my son’s company, Scomi, did not get RM1.5 billion worth of contracts from Petronas. Read my lips: I am not getting married to Jeanne Danker. Read my lips: I do not have a house in Perth. Read my lips: I am not involved in the Iraq Oil-for-Food scandal. Read my lips: Najib Tun Razak is my successor. Read my lips: Anwar Ibrahim is my successor and I am not going to sack him in three days’ time and do you need me to kiss him in public to prove it? Read my lips: only three people are involved in the Altantuya murder. Read my lips: the Royal Commission of Inquiry will wrap up the Lingam Tape scandal before you can finish screaming mala fide. Read my lips: I will not be challenging Ghafar Baba for the Umno Deputy Presidency. Read my lips: I am not rejoining Umno even if I die and am reborn and I will remain in Semangat 46 until the day I die like Tunku Abdul Rahman and Tun Hussein Onn. Read my lips: Malaysia did not physically lose RM30 billion in the currency speculation fiasco and it is only a paper loss. Read my lips: Raja Petra was not detained under the Internal Security Act, as I did not sign any detention order. Read my lips: Raja Petra was detained under the Internal Security Act for planning to bring in M16s, Molotov Cocktails and grenade launchers to start an armed revolution.

Nope, no more read my lips rhetoric please. We have had enough of all this over the last 50 years. What we want now is for you to put your money where your mouth is. ‘Show me the money’, the Americans would say. Yes, money talks, bullshit walks -- and bullshit is what has been dished out these last 50 years. It is time everyone come clean and put their cards on the table, face up. We want to see what hand they are playing with. Do they have a full hand or is this mere poker playing?

There is nothing wrong with subsidies. America subsidises its agriculture until sometimes you make more money not planting anything, which helps control the price of farm produce. Japan subsidises exports until it is cheaper to buy a Japanese camera in Kuala Lumpur than in Tokyo. Britain subsidises education for its citizens by charging the foreign students high fees.

How do these countries do it without going bankrupt, if subsidies are supposed to make a country go bankrupt? Britain, for example, has the best education system in the world -- and that is why foreign students do not mind paying high fees to receive a British education, thereby making it possible to subsidise local students. But then Britain’s universities are not headed by BTN operatives whose main function is to brainwash Malay students into believing that Malays own this country under the Ketuanan Melayu concept while the ‘immigrant’ Indians and Chinese should be reminded that they are ‘guests’ of this country and if they don’t like it they can go back to India or China.

That is why students flock to Britain in spite of the cost. And that is why Britain can subsidise its citizens. You can’t get these foreigners to come to Malaysia even if it is free. Hell, you can’t get them to come here even if you paid them, don’t talk about free. It is the quality and not the cost or subsidies that count. If you are able to offer quality education like Britain, the cost does not matter and locals can be subsidised from the fees the foreign students pay. So we have to look at the system. We solve the system and the rest automatically solves itself.

Malaysia’s problem is corruption. We spend double what we should because of corruption. Corruption, not subsidies, is what is killing this country’s economy. Corruption, not subsidies, is what is bankrupting Malaysia. Hundreds of billions has been wasted over the last 51 years since Merdeka. These hundreds of billions, if it had been put to good use, could have done a lot for this country. Today, we talk about ending the subsidies because we no longer have any money. But we no longer have any money not because of the subsidies but because of the corruption.

Just add it up. The amount is astronomical.

In the early days, we used to spend RM1 on administration and RM4 on development. And this was when we did not have any money. Yet we could still allocate 80% of the country’s expenditure to development, as modest as it may have been. Today, after 50 years of ‘progress’, we spend an estimated RM8 on administration and only RM1 on development. The Malays call this ‘mahal tali dari lembu’ (the rope is more expensive than the cow).

Out of a workforce of 10 million or so, 1.1 million-1.2 million work for the government. This means about 5% of Malaysians work for the government. And why is that? Just go into any government department and see for yourself why. No one is working. Everyone is just sitting around doing nothing. And if you disturb their peace by going to a government office to ask for something just see the fuck face they give you. They forget that we are paying their salaries and that they work for us. We are not disturbing them by going to a government office. It is their job to serve us.

Indonesia, which has ten times Malaysia’s population, has only twice the number of civil servants. Granted things are a bit slow in Indonesia. But considering their very underpaid civil servants and understaffed civil service that would be unavoidable. America, which has about the same size population as Indonesia, has only twice the civil service. Going by Malaysia’s ratio, America should have a civil service of 15 million instead of just four million.
We spend RM10 billion to develop Malaysia and another RM90 billion on administrative costs and ‘leakages’. That is how we spend our RM100 billion. And that is why we have no money. So herein lies the problem. Solve this problem and we will have more money for other things, subsidies included.

No, don’t end subsidies. End wastages, high administrative costs and corruption. Then we will be able to afford subsidies, just like the other countries that also have subsidies can. And this is what we want Tengku Razaleigh and Anwar to talk about. Don’t say ‘read my lips, no more subsidies’. Instead, say ‘read my lips, no more wastages, high administrative costs and corruption’. That is what we want to hear Tengku Razaleigh and Anwar say. And if Tengku Razaleigh and Anwar don’t understand what I am talking about, then step aside and let me show you what I mean. But be prepared for a ‘blood bath’ because only a ‘butcher’s knife’ can achieve the results.
Sigh….I just love the way Iran solved its serious corruption problem in 1979. They lined up 10,000 corrupted civil servants and shot them all. No more corrupted government officers, no more corruption. How I wish I had been born in Iran instead of England. I would have had a great time in 1979. Sigh…..