Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Last Spoilers! - The Cabin in the Woods (2011)

Bersih is a ritual sacrifice for only selective Malaysians. Every now and then we have to appease the Ancient Ones. Don't ask me why, but I wonder how come every time we opt for Tear Gas from FRU/Police.

Who's the idiot to trigger Tear Gas? Is there other options like Silat from Umno, or Parang from legal immigrants, or Jumping-down-from-building from Anti-Rasuah, or Cows attack from Shahrizat, or Stupid smirk attack/C4 bomb from Najib?

I rather to be stabbed to death by funny clown and heroic unicorn.

In view of the limited lifespan for the movie screening here, I'm gonna be the spoiling bastard.

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