Friday, February 10, 2012

My Top 10 English Movies of 2010

2010 Summary of the movies that I've watched, based on my own preference of course.

1. Inception
2. The King's Speech
3. Black Swan
4. The Social Network
5. The Kids Are All Right
6. True Grit 
7. Shutter Island
8. How to Train Your Dragon
9. 127 Hours
10. Toy Story 3

2010, a year with more better movies compared to most other years, also saw more better foreign movies flourished, such as Incendies, Elite Squad: The Enemy Within, Udaan, Confessions (告白), Let the Bullets Fly (让子弹飞) and The Man from Nowhere (大叔).

Hope they'll somehow add value to you and, enjoy!

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