Friday, July 29, 2011

Memorable Scene - X-Men: First Class (2011)

I don't know about you, but I held my breath for da*n long during this submarine raising scene.

Utterly breathless.

HK Movies - 后浪死在沙滩上

HK movies trend is worrying, like junk bonds waiting for default anytime soon.

Korean movies are way much, much better now. Even Taiwan's catching up.

Feel sorry for those old time HK classics. Sigh.


The problem is the title.

Retain "The Lost Bladesman", change"关云长" to maybe "无名刀客", you'll have a decent HK movie.

The Great Harry Potter series

OK I haven't been completely generous about Harry Potter.

Perhaps one of the greatest series ever written.

Perhaps even as influential as Bible, 四大名著, 金庸名著... etc. Just trying to appreciate great plots, characters and originality. No comparison please.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

行路难 - 李白

行路难, 行路难,多歧路, 今安在。

Back to Basic

Bambi :
"Mother? Mother? ..."

I challenge all movie-makers, art designers... to go back to basic.

Kneeling in front of this Disney's truest masterpiece, somebody'll be dwarfed and ashamed.

I didn't just refer to Micheal Bay here, did I?

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Real Messi combo package

There're stupid clubs out there who want to buy Messi.

Messi alone is fake Messi, a.k.a. made-in-china Messi.

It's like a combo. To get the real deal, they must buy Xavi & Iniesta first, then combine with Messi.

Everything's Too Expensive

Will the US reach a debt deal by 2nd August? Of course, if not?

Everything's just not right, so da*n expensive. We're in the core of some deep sh*t.

Jean Grey

Napolean Hill :
"Whatever your mind can conceive and believe, it can achieve."

Who/what is more powerful than mental power?

Don't play play with your mind. Stretch it.


I love to imagine how to be like them. So da*n childish still.

They radiate hope and positive energy around. So da*n cool.

Glad to have so many superheroes movies today. It's like all the childish wet dreams actually come true in front of my eyes.

I'm not referring to Transformers 3 though.

Pity the Carnivore

Lion hunts deer, such a bad a*s.

Very few will actually pity lion for having to chase for deer everyday.

Old deer can still eat grass.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


That's sky's the limit, upside-down.

To: Other Dark Knights

I know you're destructive.

But I'll be your friend. I guess nobody cares, but I understand why you hide it.

Who cares. Just let me know when you need me. I'll be around.

Severus Snape

Never a Harry fan, but slowly he's one of my favorite characters, eating into my soul. Yummy.

What he's gone through is mad. But why and how he hide it, I consider that ultimate madness.

There are real life mad men around, I'm sure. Gotta save them, and protect them.



Friday, July 15, 2011

Harry Potter 8

I thought I'm losing on movies, after the notorious Transformers 3 (Can't help it, Pui!).

It was yet again resurrected. Thank God, to whoever is he.

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

傻瓜看Bersih 2.0

"...Cukai tanah naik! Apa-apa pun naik!..."
"...Mesin kena tukar baru! Kucing pun bersih dah! Tukar mesin baru!..."


AMCISA FOA Yellow 荷包蛋 t-shirt

It was damn frightening at the beginning. Follow me.

Alighted from Bandaraya KTM station, the place was deadly quiet and lifeless. I was like playing first person shooting game. Didn't know exactly where's the meeting point, I had to scourge my way, disguise myself and dodge timely to prevent unnecessary hiccups. Imagine you're as clueless as me at the scene.

I was carrying AMCISA FOA yellow 荷包蛋 t-shirt.

It'll Come Back To You

Pakcik had to walk slowly. I wished him luck before I decided not to accompany him.

Guess I was inconsiderate.

I met Pakcik again shortly after for a brief nasi briyani session.

1 Nasi, 2 Holy Duties

It was my best nasi briyani for 25 years. I got to eat with all the leaders and wise ones and listened/learnt from them.

They basically conveyed the same message and tasked me to fulfill 2 holy duties.

I would love to share to all, soon.

They Bersih My Photos!

I was honored to have just 1 plate of nasi briyani under the condition of letting them deleting my other seemingly violent photos.

This is one of my last few surviving photos. Look at how they lock the blue guy down.

Friday, July 8, 2011



Thursday, July 7, 2011




My mentor travels. So far everywhere he goes he hasn't seen statues built for critics yet.

I'm mindful of every time how I express myself for I know criticism's no good.

Sorry Transformers 3. But Transformers 3 su*ks big time still.

Hang Micheal Bay!

Watching Transformers 3's like after sayang your beloved girlfriend for so damn long, like 11years, like the royal queen with the ultra best kinda stuff, she suddenly dumps you for cock reason.

Heart broken. Pain. How pain? You've gotta go through it to know how pain.

U would feel like strangling her/Micheal Bay. Sorry I'm a extreme fanatic Transformers fan.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

What to do?

孟加拉少女赫娜(Hena Akhter)被她的表哥強姦後,村務委員會頒佈教令,處以他們公開鞭刑;少女被鞭101下,表哥201下。 赫娜被鞭至70下後不支倒地,6天後去世。

What to do?

Learning/Teaching Happens, Suddenly

Buddha :
"When the disciple is ready the master will appear."

It requires not only the willingness of the student/teacher to learn/teach.

It takes Time to realize the outcome, might just happen in a sudden.

Transh*tmers 3

Do you know of anyone who has shi*y character but earns a lot?
Do you know of any food that priced damn high but taste like sh*t?
Do you know of anyone who bullsh*t through the way but can't get anything done?

You just met Transformers 3.

Life's unfair. Deal with it.

Intercontinental Hotel

We have our own strengths and weaknesses.

Let's explore and develop our strengths. No point strengthening our weaknesses.

Saturday, July 2, 2011

The Porch of the Caryatids




Friday, July 1, 2011

Am I with The Right Face?

I deal with people & money - two mega-most evil forces ever existed.

I hope I didn't just scare you off.

Dark Side

Movies can be depressing and detrimental to you.

Midnight Express, The Shining, Black Swan & The Conversation can cast you to T.Rambutan, if you ride on the dark side.


I'm so blessed. What have I done to deserve all these?

I wanna make you all happier. For that I'm willing be a logo in my next life.

