Sunday, April 19, 2009

Taken (2008)

Unlike thriller, perhaps not too many genres stem from action movies. There are the traditional die-hard/fight-till-no-tomorrow/with or without martial arts ones (李小龙's, 黄飞鸿's, Die Hard's, Bourne's, Kill Bill's, Terminator's...), martial arts/comedy ones(成龙's, 周星驰's...) and Sci-Fi ones (Matrix's, Equilibrium...).

As a traditional male, I always like action movies. 看戏中英雄巾帼们不管用真功夫/假花招/臭计谋,卖命的/潇洒的/狼狈的/以少敌多的,把坏蛋打得落花流水血乱喷, 到最后好人prevail都会让我手舞足蹈,热血沸腾,异常兴奋。说到action movies,80/90年代的当然令人缅怀,action movies当时百花齐放,好作品多不胜数。当然时代在变,戏也跟着五花八门,令人眼花缭乱。但所谓的action movies,再变再进化也须有个模样,总不能action到最后血喷得太多变horror movies。当然也没有明文规定不能action到变horror,尤其在这多变的新时代,但要如何拍部让人看了马上直呼过瘾/痛快的正宗动作片,还真有点难度。除了题材不宜乖离太远外,好作品也实在太多,远的有李小龙,黄飞鸿,Star Wars 等,近的有Matrix's,Bourne's。

谁说一定要求变? Bourne撇开其情节不讲,其动作/场面/角色设计有血有魂,拳拳到肉, 干净利落,原始的动作/武打精神仍在。港片叶问,打架打得煞是好看,剧情/角色有泪有魂,憨厚扎实,虽看似老土的动作片,但在这新时代,它却竟是一股清风,返璞归真却铿锵有声。不变可以应万变。

跟很多人一样,一开始对Taken (2008)超好的票房摸不着头脑,但看完后除了直呼爽/过瘾/痛快外,还是爽/过瘾/痛快。好一部久违爽到极点的动作片!故事讲述一位退休CIA特工Bryan Mills(Liam Neeson饰),在一个法国贩卖人集团不知死活mess-up拐了他女儿后的火速救女儿行动。

lol故事大纲我一句话就讲完,内容更是老土到了作呕的地步,可以是部爽到极点的动作片?且让我试着分析。Firstly, credits to director Pierre Morel & writer Luc Besson! 没错, 都是法国人。他们拍的法国片暂时不提,因我没看过,说说hollywood片吧。 Pierre Morel捞导演这行还算是新人一位, 但却是经验功力十足的cinematographer。Luc Besson更是大名鼎鼎到我懒得提,taxi, transporter系列的producer/writer, 更是浪漫动作猛片Leon的导演。什么样的功力背景出身,就能炒出多少斤两的火候。动作主义/功力深厚的俩,合作成果是如何,一目了然。90分钟的戏,慢热了约20分钟后,动作就接踵而来,节奏紧凑,咄咄逼人,完全没有冷场。

再来更难得的当然是L.Neeson了。暂不提其刚丧妻之痛,老戏骨L.Neeson凭其个人独一无二的高贵英伦气质,把Taken的灵魂英雄诠释得不仅对他(以他早已超然的程度)而言是一种突破,更是清新得独树一帜,阴魂般久久不散。L.Neeson近六旬的他,要饰的是一名Action movies中极罕有极少见的退休老英雄,当然是驾轻就熟,但不料能如此出色。

To be continued...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Najib's Counters

To those who're not aware of how've the market been doing, below I attach a news from TheEdgeDaily, for reading pleasure of course. For the past 2 weeks or so, Dow Jones surged from 6600+ to 8000+ whereas mini bull ran riot in KLSE, jacking it from 840+ to 940+. All red hot counters such as KNM, MRCB, LIONDIV, LIONIND, SIME... either gained >10-20%, or testing new resistances/breakouts. Should've seen it coming right? With the Najib thingy going on, the elections shows playing around, the UMNO-related counters MRCB, KUB... all jumping so vigorously, the Easter long holiday, some surprisingly good financial reports, the Japanese boost thingy... you should've seen it coming. Bear trap??!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TheEdgeDaily: Najib Razak will win the UMNO Presidency uncontested and become Malaysia’s 6th Prime Minister. · With the changing of guards in Putrajaya, we highlight Najib’s six confidants and four brothers. · Politically-linked stocks like MRCB and IJM will benefit from the government’s stimulus packages. · We remain concerned on the banking sector in a cyclical downturn but Bumi-Commerce is well-run group with Nazir Razak at its helm. · Small cap politically-linked stocks, including loss making ones, have been outperforming the market. UMNO General Assembly 24-28 March

In a CLSA report issued last week, the brokerage and investment group try to ascertain if traders can profit from the changing of guard in Putrajaya, and if longer term investors should start to pay more attention to Malaysia's structural growth story.

Najib Razak won the post of UMNO President in the UMNO General Assembly uncontested. Seeing as how UMNO is the largest member in the ruling coalition Barisan Nasional, the UMNO President is traditionally made the nation’s Prime Minister.

Najib’s six confidants

Very soon after Najib was appointed Finance Minister in September, he personally picked six individuals for a corporate roundtable. It is widely believe that these six individuals with corporate and investment background, have at one point or other given significant input to Najib on issues ranging from the economy, capital markets and business in general. It is also interesting to note that out of the six, three are currently board members at Khazanah. Thus although it is the outgoing Badawi administration that empowered Khazanah as the government’s strategic investment vehicle, we believe Khazanah will remain very relevant in the Najib administration.

Najib’s four brothers

Najib is the eldest of the five siblings in the Razak family and he was 17 years old when his father Abdul Razak was Malaysia’s 2nd Prime Minister from 1970-1976. Najib is also a nephew of Malaysia’s 3rd Prime Minister Hussien Onn. Out of his four brothers, Nazir Razak CEO of Bumi-Commerce is the most well-known one and has also been very vocal in the press, regularly calling for a revamp of the archaic National Economic Policy (NEP). Thus it is no surprise that Nazir has Najib.s ear as the latter has recently been on national TV promising to make changes to the implementation of NEP.

We continue to believe that the Najib administration has plans for further liberalisation in the services sector. In Najib’s mini-budget speech on March 10, he said that the Foreign Investment Committee (FIC) will be adopting a more liberal approach to nurture a more investor-friendly environment, i.e. to attract more investments including foreign direct investments. Therefore the government is formulating new guidelines to reflect this new role for FIC. We are guessing that they may further relax the NEP in the services sector. Many have argued that the NEP has been a disadvantage in attracting FDIs/portfolio investments into Malaysia. Thus further dismantling of this arcade policy could put Malaysia back on the path to structural growth over the longer term, and will correspondingly boost the local equity market in the long run.

Stocks to keep an eye on

We have done a screen of stocks which we believe traders and investors should keep an eye on as the guards change in Putrajaya. We continue to like MRCB (MRC MK-RM0.87-BUY) and IJM (IJM MK-RM4.02-BUY) as they stand to benefit from the government’s fiscal spending ahead. Furthermore, CEO of MRCB Shahril Ridzuan was hand-picked to be one of the pioneering members under the government’s GLC reform initiatives. As for IJM, ultimate parent is MMC Corp (MMC MK-RM1.41-N-R), whose major shareholder is Syed Mokthar Albukhary, who many believe will remain in the inner circle. Both MRCB and IJM have Employees Provident Fund (EPF) as their single largest shareholder.

We remained cautious on the banking sector given the cyclical downturn ahead, but Bumi-Commerce (BCHB MK-RM6.55-SELL) will continue to draw interest from long term investors. Despite concerns on withdrawal of Middle Eastern investments in Iskandar Malaysia, another favourite amongst traders is UEM Land (ULHB MKRM0.75- N-R).

Finally a few of observations from Figure 3. Firstly, three groups are prominently featured in the table, i.e. Sapura, Hong Leong and MMC. Secondly, oil & gas companies namely Sapura Crest and Wah Seong with cheap PE multiples of 7-8x have been outperforming the market over the last three months. Thirdly, TH Group, George Kent, Johan and Paramount are loss making but have outperformed the market.

The faces to remember