Friday, May 3, 2013

大學將畢業‧毀約赴新賺更多?(星洲日報-投資致富 2013-04-29)

This is Malaysian maids in Singapore by Wawasan 2020. Still vote for BN or act class don't wanna vote.

5th of May - Let's welcome the new Malaysia

I'm quitting my work, focusing all my thoughts from now till Sunday, to pray for a brand new start for Malaysia.

Don't fa*king care if it's better or worse, just praying for a change.

Datuk Seri Dr. Chua Soi Lek 蔡细历 (MCA President)

"Chua later remarked his downfall was due to his dedication to his work as Health Minister and MCA Vice-President, which caused his political rivals to grow suspicious of him."
- Wikipedia, under section 'Sex Scandal'

I respect your freedom to choose, but imagine you're looking up to a leader like him for greatness. How can you control your temper??!@#$%^&*()

Ini Kali-Lah!


I'm a 匹夫, I care for my 国家, so the immediate first step now, is to kill it. The rest later then talk.

Selfish bastards who don't vote and don't care about nothing but themselves, please fa*k off one side for this is non of your business.

Iron Man 4 - Lim Kit Siang

Back in the 60's, while vast majority of us were still possessed by Barisan's poisonous lullaby, this Iron Man already begun fighting.

Seriously for so many years, who actually comprehend what he was fighting against.

Today, at age 72 he's still fighting. For so long we were blind.

Iron Man 3 (2013)

Mind-blowing actions and super-effects, but a childlike story and messy story-telling killed me even in my Iron suite. How pity Sir Ben Kingsley they made you a clown.

Budget of $200 million = $199 million of mega-gangster actions/effects + $1 million of proper story telling.