Sunday, April 19, 2009

Taken (2008)

Unlike thriller, perhaps not too many genres stem from action movies. There are the traditional die-hard/fight-till-no-tomorrow/with or without martial arts ones (李小龙's, 黄飞鸿's, Die Hard's, Bourne's, Kill Bill's, Terminator's...), martial arts/comedy ones(成龙's, 周星驰's...) and Sci-Fi ones (Matrix's, Equilibrium...).

As a traditional male, I always like action movies. 看戏中英雄巾帼们不管用真功夫/假花招/臭计谋,卖命的/潇洒的/狼狈的/以少敌多的,把坏蛋打得落花流水血乱喷, 到最后好人prevail都会让我手舞足蹈,热血沸腾,异常兴奋。说到action movies,80/90年代的当然令人缅怀,action movies当时百花齐放,好作品多不胜数。当然时代在变,戏也跟着五花八门,令人眼花缭乱。但所谓的action movies,再变再进化也须有个模样,总不能action到最后血喷得太多变horror movies。当然也没有明文规定不能action到变horror,尤其在这多变的新时代,但要如何拍部让人看了马上直呼过瘾/痛快的正宗动作片,还真有点难度。除了题材不宜乖离太远外,好作品也实在太多,远的有李小龙,黄飞鸿,Star Wars 等,近的有Matrix's,Bourne's。

谁说一定要求变? Bourne撇开其情节不讲,其动作/场面/角色设计有血有魂,拳拳到肉, 干净利落,原始的动作/武打精神仍在。港片叶问,打架打得煞是好看,剧情/角色有泪有魂,憨厚扎实,虽看似老土的动作片,但在这新时代,它却竟是一股清风,返璞归真却铿锵有声。不变可以应万变。

跟很多人一样,一开始对Taken (2008)超好的票房摸不着头脑,但看完后除了直呼爽/过瘾/痛快外,还是爽/过瘾/痛快。好一部久违爽到极点的动作片!故事讲述一位退休CIA特工Bryan Mills(Liam Neeson饰),在一个法国贩卖人集团不知死活mess-up拐了他女儿后的火速救女儿行动。

lol故事大纲我一句话就讲完,内容更是老土到了作呕的地步,可以是部爽到极点的动作片?且让我试着分析。Firstly, credits to director Pierre Morel & writer Luc Besson! 没错, 都是法国人。他们拍的法国片暂时不提,因我没看过,说说hollywood片吧。 Pierre Morel捞导演这行还算是新人一位, 但却是经验功力十足的cinematographer。Luc Besson更是大名鼎鼎到我懒得提,taxi, transporter系列的producer/writer, 更是浪漫动作猛片Leon的导演。什么样的功力背景出身,就能炒出多少斤两的火候。动作主义/功力深厚的俩,合作成果是如何,一目了然。90分钟的戏,慢热了约20分钟后,动作就接踵而来,节奏紧凑,咄咄逼人,完全没有冷场。

再来更难得的当然是L.Neeson了。暂不提其刚丧妻之痛,老戏骨L.Neeson凭其个人独一无二的高贵英伦气质,把Taken的灵魂英雄诠释得不仅对他(以他早已超然的程度)而言是一种突破,更是清新得独树一帜,阴魂般久久不散。L.Neeson近六旬的他,要饰的是一名Action movies中极罕有极少见的退休老英雄,当然是驾轻就熟,但不料能如此出色。

To be continued...

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Najib's Counters

To those who're not aware of how've the market been doing, below I attach a news from TheEdgeDaily, for reading pleasure of course. For the past 2 weeks or so, Dow Jones surged from 6600+ to 8000+ whereas mini bull ran riot in KLSE, jacking it from 840+ to 940+. All red hot counters such as KNM, MRCB, LIONDIV, LIONIND, SIME... either gained >10-20%, or testing new resistances/breakouts. Should've seen it coming right? With the Najib thingy going on, the elections shows playing around, the UMNO-related counters MRCB, KUB... all jumping so vigorously, the Easter long holiday, some surprisingly good financial reports, the Japanese boost thingy... you should've seen it coming. Bear trap??!

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------TheEdgeDaily: Najib Razak will win the UMNO Presidency uncontested and become Malaysia’s 6th Prime Minister. · With the changing of guards in Putrajaya, we highlight Najib’s six confidants and four brothers. · Politically-linked stocks like MRCB and IJM will benefit from the government’s stimulus packages. · We remain concerned on the banking sector in a cyclical downturn but Bumi-Commerce is well-run group with Nazir Razak at its helm. · Small cap politically-linked stocks, including loss making ones, have been outperforming the market. UMNO General Assembly 24-28 March

In a CLSA report issued last week, the brokerage and investment group try to ascertain if traders can profit from the changing of guard in Putrajaya, and if longer term investors should start to pay more attention to Malaysia's structural growth story.

Najib Razak won the post of UMNO President in the UMNO General Assembly uncontested. Seeing as how UMNO is the largest member in the ruling coalition Barisan Nasional, the UMNO President is traditionally made the nation’s Prime Minister.

Najib’s six confidants

Very soon after Najib was appointed Finance Minister in September, he personally picked six individuals for a corporate roundtable. It is widely believe that these six individuals with corporate and investment background, have at one point or other given significant input to Najib on issues ranging from the economy, capital markets and business in general. It is also interesting to note that out of the six, three are currently board members at Khazanah. Thus although it is the outgoing Badawi administration that empowered Khazanah as the government’s strategic investment vehicle, we believe Khazanah will remain very relevant in the Najib administration.

Najib’s four brothers

Najib is the eldest of the five siblings in the Razak family and he was 17 years old when his father Abdul Razak was Malaysia’s 2nd Prime Minister from 1970-1976. Najib is also a nephew of Malaysia’s 3rd Prime Minister Hussien Onn. Out of his four brothers, Nazir Razak CEO of Bumi-Commerce is the most well-known one and has also been very vocal in the press, regularly calling for a revamp of the archaic National Economic Policy (NEP). Thus it is no surprise that Nazir has Najib.s ear as the latter has recently been on national TV promising to make changes to the implementation of NEP.

We continue to believe that the Najib administration has plans for further liberalisation in the services sector. In Najib’s mini-budget speech on March 10, he said that the Foreign Investment Committee (FIC) will be adopting a more liberal approach to nurture a more investor-friendly environment, i.e. to attract more investments including foreign direct investments. Therefore the government is formulating new guidelines to reflect this new role for FIC. We are guessing that they may further relax the NEP in the services sector. Many have argued that the NEP has been a disadvantage in attracting FDIs/portfolio investments into Malaysia. Thus further dismantling of this arcade policy could put Malaysia back on the path to structural growth over the longer term, and will correspondingly boost the local equity market in the long run.

Stocks to keep an eye on

We have done a screen of stocks which we believe traders and investors should keep an eye on as the guards change in Putrajaya. We continue to like MRCB (MRC MK-RM0.87-BUY) and IJM (IJM MK-RM4.02-BUY) as they stand to benefit from the government’s fiscal spending ahead. Furthermore, CEO of MRCB Shahril Ridzuan was hand-picked to be one of the pioneering members under the government’s GLC reform initiatives. As for IJM, ultimate parent is MMC Corp (MMC MK-RM1.41-N-R), whose major shareholder is Syed Mokthar Albukhary, who many believe will remain in the inner circle. Both MRCB and IJM have Employees Provident Fund (EPF) as their single largest shareholder.

We remained cautious on the banking sector given the cyclical downturn ahead, but Bumi-Commerce (BCHB MK-RM6.55-SELL) will continue to draw interest from long term investors. Despite concerns on withdrawal of Middle Eastern investments in Iskandar Malaysia, another favourite amongst traders is UEM Land (ULHB MKRM0.75- N-R).

Finally a few of observations from Figure 3. Firstly, three groups are prominently featured in the table, i.e. Sapura, Hong Leong and MMC. Secondly, oil & gas companies namely Sapura Crest and Wah Seong with cheap PE multiples of 7-8x have been outperforming the market over the last three months. Thirdly, TH Group, George Kent, Johan and Paramount are loss making but have outperformed the market.

The faces to remember

Monday, March 30, 2009

Hannibal (2001)

最近在HRM里看到psychoanalysis (a body of ideas developed by physician Sigmund Freud & his followers, which is devoted to the study of human psychological functioning & behavior),脑袋刹那间闪过的,竟是一代psychoanalysist巨神/巨魔,Dr. Hannibal Lecter,看来我精神有巨大问题,twisted得很。

说到H.Lecter,我先不讲神作经典Silence of the Lamb,来说说Hannibal (2001)吧,因我也是最近才看lol。看完不出所料,果然有巨大课题。


Q: 为何会争得如此面红耳赤呢?Ans: Hannibal的reviews/critics异常参差,不少甚至两极化(只有A+或D-,没有B/C)。有什么大不了?先说明两个cases- Case 1: 10个人看的戏,看完反映两极化,小事一桩不算热门,因是10人看的戏。Case 2: 1000人看的戏看完反映两极化,这其中必有乾坤。票房还不错的Hannibal,就是被困在case 2中。 

Hannibal (2001),改篇自Thomas Harris同名小说,导演Ridley Scott, 两大剧中世纪灵魂人物巨神/巨魔Dr.H.LecterAmerican Film Institute(AFI)'s 100Years Villains No.1依旧是Anthony Hopkins饰,Agent Clarice StarlingAFI's 100Years Heroes No.6则由Judie Foster换成Julianne Moore饰。故事讲述在Silence of the Lamb几年后,H.Lecter手下唯一极富有的生还者Mason Verger,想方设法把隐居的H.Lecter找出来,好好折磨一番来报仇。唯一可行办法当然是通过旁门把FBI C.Starling引入陷阱当诱饵,惹H.Lecter上钩。

入正题:Hannibal到底是不是一出好戏,在我看来,它是让我失望的。但我也了解有人对他的好感。且让我分析。Firstly, I shall assume that prior to Hannibal you should've already seen Silence of the Lamb, if not what's the f point watching Hannibal??! You won't have any damn clue what's going on...

lol也正因为如此Hannibal是典型的“续集Victim”。Hannibal虽有不错票房,但台阶不经意地被Silence of the Lamb铺得太过分好了,以致难以逾越,被困不能发辉,以致希望越大,失望更大。人会涌着去看Hannibal,无不因为要看Silence of the Lamb后H.Lecter的下场。虽两片距离近十年,感觉不像续集,两片剧情里年代也有距离,你也有可能说我太呆板挑骨头,硬把它们黏在一起,Hannibal是Silence of the Lamb的连续性发展是事实,所以事实上是不可能把它们完全拆开来看待的,you'll know what I mean, only if you've already seen Silence of the Lamb该怎么更具体的形容呢?举例从genre来说吧,Silence of the Lamb是psychological+horror thriller,它恐怖惊悚没错,但更可贵的是角色之间psychoanalytically的交流,以致C.Starling能在H.Lecter的辅助下克服自己,破解难题。可以看出Hannibal很努力的要凑成psychological thriller,但很明显的失败,再怎么挤也最多是horror thriller,再加上两片拍出来截然不同的背景氛围,以致在“无可避免“的比较下,相形见绌。更立体来讲,Hannibal别扭的点就像Jason Bourne在这集die-hard action拳拳到肉的搏斗,下一集他却matrix, sci-fi 般绚丽的厮杀。即生"瑜",何生"亮"(这里此“瑜,亮“非彼“瑜,亮“)

导演R.Scott乃大名鼎鼎Alien,Blade Runner, Gladiator, Thelma & Louise,Black Hawk Down 的导演。他当然明白虽以他的实力,要重现Silence of the Lamb的经典氛围还是有登天难度,以致可能因想要尽力脱去Silence of the Lamb的包袱,想要以R.Scott式一贯大气呵成的形式呈现,却不幸落得寸步难移四不像的悲剧下场,是一出典型由好导演&制作团队&好演员呈献,有好故事&好visual效果,但却叫人大跌眼镜没灵魂的戏。魂在人在,树倒猢松散,戏更是如此。

且分析Hannibal的阵容,好导演R.Scott,T.Harris不错的故事,演员更是有梦寐以求的A.Hopkins,G.Oldman,R.Liotta,J.Moore(暂且忘记J.Foster)等等。Hannibal巨浪费了Silence of the Lamb的光芒氛围,开头近一小时把C.Starling全呆放在office研究H.Lecter的files,H.Lecter则无所事事在Florence被巨慢地铺陈,重点倾在角色编写得松散的M.Verger。大家当然清楚醉翁之意在于“铺陈“,M.Verger的巨丑巨扭曲心理看似有戏可演,当节奏慢,剧情散时,铺陈即变铺床-睡觉。过后的一些血腥情节,甚至对我来说有点在亵渎H.Lecter,从容的血腥美学被过分的血腥情节盖过,以致食之无味与其说在看戏,不如说在看幕。戏完你会回想的不会是完整的一出戏,而是由M.Verger,可怜警探的被杀片断,boar,dinner等的零碎片断。

问题由来我推测有两个。一,剧情由小说到剧本的过程中lost in translation。二,导演R.Scott和制作团队对H.Lecter系列的灵魂不够认真的认知和研究。Silence of the Lamb后,好不容易等到小说推出后,Hannibal的商机是无限的,再加上沉浸了一段时日好久没人有胆接拍,因此有很多人其实想迫不及待捞这笔财。我知道在筹拍Hannibal前,Silence of the Lamb原导演Jonathan Demme和H.Lecter本人Sir A.Hopkins就针对其太过意渲染血腥而忽略其psychological灵魂的剧本持有不满意见,所以J.Demme和A.Hopkins都拒绝接拍。后来不知怎么找上了R.Scott,稍改了一些内容后就火速开拍。

当然我也明白有人对他的好感是为什。毕竟制作班底从导演到演员都是不错的,所以有一些幕或许是令人有印象的。指的当然是最后令人发指吃脑dinner的一整幕。整部戏的visual确是与前作比有焕然一新大片的堂皇感觉,比如呈现Florence的美轮美奂的镜头,手法。这就是所谓的R.Scott式的大气呵成。当然演员更是没得挑剔啦,H.Lecter还是经典最恐怖的神,还是令人这么的坐立难安,不寒而栗,甚至更恐怖了些,果然是经典。但C.Starling始终还是略嫌肉了些(太肉就太有安全感,与形象有点不符)。可能有人会赞叹G.OldmanM.Verger,你怎么看得出来?可能还有人会喜欢这别于小说的结局,因为他俩若在一起实在有点不可思议?lol come on, 看不出来他喜欢她,她崇拜他?lol

感觉上好像Hannibal没什么东西写,尽是我一厢情愿贬多于褒的一些看法,希望H.Lecter不要咬我。下次写Silence of the Lamb还你,把你捧上青天。

Saturday, March 28, 2009

To Kill a Mockingbird (1962)

戏如人生,人生如戏。戏能做到不可能中的可能,包含的不仅是陶冶,娱乐,更是教育。我是爱戏之人,所谓Joy shared is joy doubled,有时不仅仅是要分享Joy,而会更自以为伟大地想把无价之宝传承,让永世受益。



To Kill a Mockingbird (1962),是我枉活了20多年虚度无限光阴看了不少戏后,至今我心中的No.1。Period。不肯定它能否成为我的All-time No.1,但我现时今日还肯定他离我的No.2有段差距。

Adapted from Harper Lee's 1960 同名小说,To Kill a Mockingbird讲述一名律师父亲Atticus Finch(Gregory Peck饰)如何在一个白人至上的环境中维护一个被冤枉的黑人Tom Robinson的同时,也能对自己的儿子Jem,女儿Scout对当时社会的不公与偏见进行睿智的解释/维护。与此同时,Jem和Scout对他们神秘邻居天真无邪的探查历险记也带给他们一生中最珍贵的人生经历。当然经典戏改篇自书,这书自然是高手中的高手,但今天我只讨论戏版。



它的经典神作之处,非笔墨口舌能说白。但我还是会试着说。这神作拿奖拿到手软,但有一奖却不可不提,其地位比Oscar还更具代表性,即标榜时代性的American Film Institute(AFI) 100 Years排行榜。Atticus Finch荣获100 Heroes排行榜No.1。手下败将包括No.2 Indiana Jones, No.3 James Bond No.26 Superman。重申这不是无聊排行榜,这是标榜时代风云的结论。精明的你定能看出问题:怎么凡人Atticus会是No.1英雄呢?

如果你有父亲,你最敬爱的我假设当然是你的亲生老豆,如果我假设错误,G.Peck所饰的单亲律师父亲Atticus肯定是你的Dream Father。不是因他有超能力,而是在于他如何教导孩子,如何感化孩子,如何消除孩子无可避免的偏见,如何尽自己的能力保护没办法保护自己的人。100年美国影片No.1英雄,就是这样而已。To Kill a Mockingbird的视窗角度来自Jem和Scout,在他们老豆的循循善诱下,这两个小冬瓜所看的世界虽成熟现实,却又不失小孩该有的童真可爱视窗。


To Kill a Mockingbird Memorable Scene:

1. 可爱Scout无心天真地对一群野蛮人的一段小演说,无意中保护了Atticus和Jem。

2. 可爱Scout和Jem和一个亲戚一天半夜去他们神秘邻居家探险的整段。

3. Atticus维护黑人,坏野蛮人和他女儿辩护等等一整段courtroom经典。

4. Courtroom楼上全体黑人静声起立当Atticus要经过他们的一小段。

5. Atticus被坏野蛮人吐口水的一小段。

6. 可爱Scout和Jem看Atticus枪杀疯狗的一小段。

7. 可爱Scout和Jem被坏野蛮人追杀的整段。

8. 可爱Scout最后意识到谁是她恐怖神秘邻居的一小段。

9. 可爱Scout在Atticus怀中,一起看着Jem的最后一段。

Lol,我意识到这样写下去不是办法,因为是写不完的。此片虽是黑白片,但不难看,不沉重,节奏轻快,浅白不刁钻,轻松有趣,看完了没有要你想很久,呆很久,看着时也没有要你想,英语也不难听,大家只要有少许耐心,定能看出其中的精华,可能你的人生体验会马上升级也说不定。我没有夸张。希望我有一天,也能和天真可爱Scout和Jem真正体会到Atticus要所有人都懂的-Not To Kill a Mockingbird。

"Mockingbirds don't do one thing but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat up people's gardens, they don't nest in corncribs, they don't do one thing but sing their hearts out for us. That's why it's a sin to kill a mockingbird."


Oscar 1963:

Nominated 8, Won 3 (Including Gregory Peck for Best Leading Actor)

Memorable Quotes:

Atticus Finch: If you just learn a single trick, Scout, you'll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks. You never really understand a person until you consider things from his point of view... Until you climb inside of his skin and walk around in it.

Atticus Finch: There's a lot of ugly things in this world, son. I wish I could keep 'em all away from you. That's never possible.

Rev. Sykes: Jean Louise. Jean Louise, stand up. Your father's passing.

Atticus Finch: I remember when my daddy gave me that gun. He told me that I should never point it at anything in the house; and that he'd rather I'd shoot at tin cans in the backyard. But he said that sooner or later he supposed the temptation to go after birds would be too much, and that I could shoot all the blue jays I wanted - if I could hit 'em; but to remember it was a sin to kill a mockingbird. 
Jem: Why? 
Atticus Finch: Well, I reckon because mockingbirds don't do anything but make music for us to enjoy. They don't eat people's gardens, don't nest in the corncrib, they don't do one thing but just sing their hearts out for us.

Scout: Why there he is, Mr. Tate. He can tell you his name... [Looks at the man] 
Scout: Hey, Boo. 
Atticus Finch: [making introductions] Miss Jean Louise, Mr. Arthur Radley. I believe he already knows you.

Older Scout: [narrating] Neighbors bring food with death, and flowers with sickness, and little things in between. Boo was our neighbor. He gave us two soap dolls, a broken watch and chain, a knife, and our lives.

Older Scout: [narrating] I was to think of these days many times. Of Jem, and Dill, and Boo Radley, and Tom Robinson, and Atticus. He would be in Jem's room all night, and he would be there when Jem waked up in the morning.

Friday, March 27, 2009

The Wrestler (2008)

没有什么能比拿Mickey Rourke的重生来更贴切地形容/隐喻这blog的复活。

暂且忘记Hollywood的华丽, The Wrestler(2008)是近年少有最写实,最真诚,最发自内心的经典。Period.

The Wrestler 的制作过程,和剧中主角Randy "The Ram" Robinson (M.Rourke饰)的落魄中年一生一样一波三折。未来俊杰导演Darren Aronofsky“血气方刚”大胆硬要M.Rourke演Randy,不要studio所属意的Nicholas Cage,因此与studio大动干戈。因M. Rourke人气当时显然不及N.Cage,脾气又奇臭无比,性格放纵不羁,结果换来是studio 7 Million USD的成本,原来的“大片”直接被打压成“小品”来拍。

各位数7M 能拍出什么东东?让大家上上课:Benjamin Button 160M, Wall-E 180M, James Bond Casino Royale 150M, 连什么都没有的Rush Hour 3也要140M。Tobey Maguire化身Spider Man片酬为18M, Spider Man女友Kirsten Dunst片酬为7M...Zzz

各位数7M 能拍出什么东东?导演D.Aronofsky不但没有为7M而放弃,反之硬撑,硬生生撑出一个经典来。

把The Wrestler称为经典,你可能会认为用7M拍一块肌肉周旋在一项最无聊的“运动”,未免太抬举它了。好多人都这般见识。

与其把The Wrestler看作是Randy "The Ram"的写真,不如把它看成是为M.Rourke个人量身订做的重生经历吧。M.Rourke年少时英俊,风头足以匹敌现时的Tom Cruise/Brad Pitt(夸张了点lol)。20多年前,拍了不少掠夺少女芳心的超帅的片子,如9.5weeks。除了帅,他还是个实实在在的兼职摔跤手。可惜性格暴躁,私生活开始糜烂,这个火爆浪子演艺事业发展到一半竟潇洒地跑去发展摔跤事业。将要如日中天的演艺事业就此荒废。

火爆浪子摔跤了几十年,虽略有成就,但人们若想到其演艺天分,还是会不胜唏嘘。为了摔跤,他全身摔得不能再伤,原来俊俏的脸动了好几次手术。95年,他退休告别摔跤事业,重返演艺圈。可惜他人气今非昔比,接拍的片子也不三不四,最红的也只是在Domino和Sin City演了个配角。最糟的是其脾气还是很坏,吓坏了不少导演,也赶跑了不少好角色,好戏分。10年又过去,眼看他便要郁郁而终了。

导演D.Aronofsky的勇敢坚持,让他在The Wrestler里演Randy "The Ram",演自己,而浴火重生。

The Wrestler,故事简单,刻画不止Randy "The Ram"身为一中年摔跤手的甘苦日常生活经历,还有他和Cassidy(Marisa Tomei饰,一名要照顾孩子的脱衣舞娘/好妈妈)心碎的际遇。两人都在尊严战中徘徊,在出卖肉体维生。当然,他和他女儿的关系,看似将要和好,但结果也叫人痛心。



希望大家能再给Randy "The Ram"多一次机会,好好让弥补一些小小的心愿,也给自己一次机会,好好品尝这一套最有可能被忽略的经典。



Randy 'The Ram' Robinson (to his daugther) : And now, I'm an old broken down piece of meat... and I'm alone. And I deserve to be alone. I just don't want you to hate me.

Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: The only place I get hurt is out there. The world don't give a shit about me.

Necro Butcher: Are you cool with the staples? 
Randy 'The Ram' Robinson: Staples? 
Necro Butcher: Staple gun... Not so bad on the way in, except it's a little scary, you know - you got this metal thing pressed up against you. Gonna leave some marks, have to deal with a little blood loss.

Oscar 09:

Best Performance by an Actor in a Leading Role: Mickey Rourke (Nominated)

Best Performance by an Actress in a Supporting Role: Marisa Tomei (Nominated)